Lantern Walk

Lantern Walk

In keeping with the many countries that celebrate the lighting of lanterns to brighten the increasing dark this time of year, we hold a lantern festival each year in the Fall to bring our light to the darkness.  The Lantern Walk affirms symbolically that light can continue to shine even as the light and warmth of the sun are waning. Now light and warmth come from the home and from the fellowship of friends and family.  Carrying a light into the darkness in the company of others—as we do during the Lantern Walk—can be reassuring to the child.

This festival is one to be held in reverence, silence, and quiet conversation, to be enjoyed for its simplicity and wisdom. We suggest that this mood be sustained throughout the evening as you take your child home.  Lighting candles and lanterns at home, keeping the evening free of television and other intrusive media will help hold the magic for your child. One family turns the home breaker off and enjoys an evening of togetherness in candle light.  It is one of their favorite family times of the year!