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Blue Oak Students

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School Verse - English

“This is our school.
May peace dwell here.
May the rooms be full of contentment.
May love abide here,
love of one another,
love of our school,
and love of life itself.
Let us remember,
that as many hands build a house,
so many hearts build a school.”

School Verse - Spanish

“Esta es nuestra escuela
Que la paz viva aquí.
Que los salones se llenen de alegría.
Que el amor more aquí,
amor del uno al otro,
amor a nuestra escuela
y amor a la vida misma.
Recordemos que,
así como tantas manos construyen una casa,
Tantos corazones construyen una escuela.”

Hold Reverence

Have Courage

Build Friendships

Seek Wisdom

Show Compassion